Tuesday, March 30, 2010

to admit ones mistakes, is to embrace the Truth

The reason the Catholic Church has survived for 2,000 years, is basically because it admits its mistakes. oh, and the reason it can recognize mistakes is because it has the Truth. Oh, and the reason it has the Truth is because it was given to us by Jesus, and sustained through the intercession of the Holy Spirit.
The only reason there are branches off of the Catholic church is because people decided that something was wrong, and had to be changed. This may very well have been the case. But they then decided that not matter what, they must stick to their convictions, and never turn back. They must break away from the fold, and make their own start.
The Holy Spirit humiliates it's own child, the Church, and for a good purpose. For example, when Luther broke away, the church realized some of the errors that it was making to cause the up-rise, and then it reminded the failure, which BTW was caused by men, not the Holy Spirit. The Church is always struggling to keep in Truth, and individuals within the church sometimes step outside.
But those who have broken away, need to look back at what they have rejected, and see that some of what they rejected was truth. Holding on to the Truth is like being being a baby cradled by it's mother. When you let go of Truth and reject it, it becomes like a dust speck floating on the breeze, and as difficult to catch back up to. Of course, this is where Grace can help, but we must be open to it. Grace impels us to realize our mistakes, and it makes the Truth larger, and more tangible, and able to grasp, so that once we embrace it again, we ourselves are embraced.
This is the call of ecumenism, to bring all back to the Truth, especially those who have strayed away.

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